- Engels and Marx on dialectically determined reality and the dire consequences for Nature of our failure to recognize it.
- Engels chapter on natural conditions
- Engels on Ireland’s Dialectics of Nature
- Explore Dr. Eamon’s collection of scholarly articles delving into Marx and Engels’ analytical work on Ireland.
- How Engels and Marx analysed climate and climate change dialectically.
- Marx on colonial Ireland: the dialectics of colonialism
- Marx on Nineteenth Century Colonial Ireland: Analyzing Colonialism as a Social Process.
- Marx on the colonization of Irish soil.
- Outline of a Report on the Irish Question to the CEA of German Workers in London
- Reconstructing ‘Nature’ as a Picturesque theme park: The colonial case of Ireland.
- Record of speech by Karl Marx
- Report of a speech by Karl Marx
- Rundale Agrarian Commune: Marx and Engels on primitive communism in Ireland and its internal dynamics
- The ‘Collops’of the Rundale: their evolving ecological and communal forms.
- The Sprawling Global Lawns of the Emerald Isle: A Dialectical Unfolding.
- The Suburban front Garden – a spatial entity determined by social and natural processes.